Welcome To Aditi Engineers And Instruments

ADITI ENGINEERS AND INSTRUMENTS producing balancing machines for over 15 years. Our expertise has been integrated into solutions for our customers in all industries all over India & abroad. The better we do our job of providing top-quality products and services, the better we will support our customers in their own desire to produce products of superior quality. We therefore aim to constantly improve the quality and durability of our products.

What is Balancing?

In the balancing operation, the axes are brought into alignment by placing balancing weights, by removing unbalanced weights, Depending on the mutual positions of the principal central axis of inertia, the axis of rotation, and the axis of the part, a distinction is made between Static Balancing and Dynamic Balancing.

Static Balancing

Static Balancing
Static balancing is used when the principal central axis of inertia becomes displaced parallel to the axis of rotation. When a rotor is placed on smooth rails, the heavy side will turn to face downward. The unbalance experienced when an object is static (not moving) is called static unbalance. Static unbalance can be corrected using only one location (one- plane correction for one-plane unbalance).

Couple Unbalance

Couple unbalance is the amount of unbalance remaining after correcting static unbalance of rotor. It consists of multiple unbalance vectors of equal magnitude, located laterally apart and oriented 180 degrees in opposite directions

Couple Unbalance
Dynamic Balancing

Dynamic Balancing
Dynamic balancing is used when there is an angular displacement of the principal central axis of inertia relative to the technological axis of rotation; the axes then intersect at the center of gravity of the part. In this case dynamic unbalance is a consequence of the centrifugal moment and can be offset by placing the weights in two correction planes generating a compensating couple of centrifugal forces. Balancing Machine

Balancing Machine

A machine for the determination of the point and value (degree) of static or dynamic imbalance of rotating machine parts such as rotors. Balancing machines are driven by a double-hinged shaft, a slip-on transmission belt, an air jet, or other device. Correction of an imbalance-that is, addition of material (by welding, bolting etc.) or removal of excess material (by drilling, milling, and so on) -is done manually either on or off the balancing machine. Types of Balancing Machines are available for Dynamic Balancing with a Horizontal or Vertical Axis of Rotation.

Balancing Machine